
[photo] George H. Heilmeier

George H. Heilmeier

“For discovery and initial development of electro-optic effects in liquid crystals.”

[photo] Robert M. Metcalfe

Robert M. Metcalfe

“For exemplary and sustained leadership in the development, standardization, and commercialization of Ethernet.”

[photo] Lotfi A. Zadeh

Lotfi A. Zadeh

“For pioneering development of fuzzy logic and its many diverse applications.”

[photo] Alfred Y. Cho

Alfred Y. Cho

“For seminal contributions to the development of molecular beam epitaxy.”

[photo] Karl Johan Åström

Karl Johan Åström

“For fundamental contributions to theory and applications of adaptive control technology.”

[photo] Amos E. Joel, Jr.

Amos E. Joel, Jr.

“For fundamental contributions to and leadership in telecommunications switching systems.”

[photo] Leo Esaki

Leo Esaki

“For contributions to and leadership in tunneling, semiconductor superlattices, and quantum wells.”

[photo] Robert G. Gallager

Robert G. Gallager

“For fundamental contributions to communications coding techniques.”

[photo] C. Kumar N. Patel

C. Kumar N. Patel

“For fundamental contributions to quantum electronics, including the carbon dioxide laser and the spin-flip Raman laser.”

[photo] Calvin F. Quate

Calvin F. Quate

“For the invention and development of the scanning acoustic microscope.”

[photo] Jack St. Clair Kilby

Jack St. Clair Kilby

“For fundamental contributions to semiconductor integrated circuit technology.”

John R. Whinnery

“For seminal contributions to the understanding and application of electromagnetic fields and waves to microwave, laser, and optical devices.”

[photo] Norman F. Ramsey

Norman F. Ramsey

“For fundamental contributions to very high accuracy time and frequency standards exemplified by the cesium atomic clock and hydrogen maser oscillator.”

[photo] Nicolaas Bloembergen

Nicolaas Bloembergen

“For pioneering contributions to Quantum Electronics including the invention of the three-level maser.”

[photo] John Wilder Tukey

John Wilder Tukey

“For his contributions to the spectral analysis of random processes and the fast Fourier transform algorithm.”

[photo] Sidney Darlington

Sidney Darlington

“For fundamental contributions to filtering and signal processing leading to chirp radar.”

[photo] William Shockley

William Shockley

“For the invention of the junction transistor, the analog and the junction field-effect transistor, and the theory underlying their operation.”

[photo] Richard Bellman

Richard Bellman

“For contributions to decision processes and control system theory, particularly the creation and application of dynamic programming.”

[photo] Robert N. Noyce

Robert N. Noyce

“For his contributions to the silicon integrated circuit, a cornerstone of modern electronics.”

[photo] H. Earle Vaughan

H. Earle Vaughan

“For his vision, technical contributions and leadership in the development of the first high-capacity pulse-code-modulation time-division telephone switching system.”

[photo] John R. Pierce

John R. Pierce

“For his pioneering concrete proposals and the realization of satellite communication experiments, and for contributions in theory and design of traveling wave tubes and in electron beam optics essential to this success.”

[photo] Rudolf E. Kalman

Rudolf E. Kalman

“For pioneering modern methods in system theory, including concepts of controllability, observability, filtering, and algebraic structures.”

[photo] Rudolf Kompfner

Rudolf Kompfner

“For a major contribution to world‑wide communication through the conception of the traveling wave tube embodying a new principle of amplification.”

[photo] Jay W. Forrester

Jay W. Forrester

“For exceptional advances in the digital computer through his invention and application of the magnetic-core random-access memory, employing coincident current addressing.”

[photo] John Bardeen

John Bardeen

“For his profound contributions to the understanding of the conductivity of solids, to the invention of the transistor, and to the microscopic theory of superconductivity.”

[photo] Dennis Gabor

Dennis Gabor

“For his ingenious and exciting discovery and verification of the principles of holography.”

[photo] Edward L. Ginzton

Edward L. Ginzton

“For his outstanding contributions in advancing the technology of high power klystrons and their application, especially to linear particle accelerators.”

[photo] Gordon K. Teal

Gordon K. Teal

“For his contributions to single crystal germanium and silicon technology and the single crystal grown junction transistor.”

[photo] Charles H. Townes

Charles H. Townes

“For his significant contributions in the field of quantum electronics which have led to the maser and the laser.”

[photo] Claude E. Shannon

Claude E. Shannon

“For his development of a mathematical theory of communication which unified and significantly advanced the state of the art.”

[photo] Harold A. Wheeler

Harold A. Wheeler

“For his analyses of the fundamental limitations on the resolution in television systems and on wideband amplifiers, and for his basic contributions to the theory and development of antennas, microwave elements, circuits, and receivers.”

[photo] George C. Southworth

George C. Southworth

“For pioneering contributions to microwave radio physics, to radio astronomy, and to waveguide transmission.”

[photo] John H. Hammond, Jr.

John H. Hammond, Jr.

“For pioneering contributions to circuit theory and practice, to the radio control of missiles and to basic communication methods.”

[photo] Edward V. Appleton

Edward V. Appleton

“For his distinguished pioneer work in investigating the ionosphere by means of radio waves.”

[photo] Harry Nyquist

Harry Nyquist

“For fundamental contributions to a quantitative understanding of thermal noise, data transmission and negative feedback.”

[photo] E. L. Chaffee

E. L. Chaffee

“For his outstanding research contributions and his dedication to training for leadership in radio engineering.”

[photo] A. W. Hull

A. W. Hull

“For outstanding scientific achievement and pioneering inventions and development in the field of electron tubes.”

[photo] J. A. Stratton

J. A. Stratton

“For his inspiring leadership and outstanding contributions to the development of radio engineering, as teacher, physicist, engineer, author and administrator.”

[photo] J. V. L. Hogan

J. V. L. Hogan

“For his contributions to the electronic field as a founder and builder of The Institute of Radio Engineers, for the long sequence of his inventions, and for his continuing activity in the development of devices and systems useful in the communications art.”

[photo] H. T. Friis

H. T. Friis

“For his outstanding technical contributions in the expansion of the useful spectrum of radio frequencies, and for the inspiration and leadership he has given to young engineers.”

[photo] W. L. Everitt

W. L. Everitt

“For his distinguished career as author, educator and scientist; for his contributions in establishing electronics and communications as a major branch of electrical engineering; for his unselfish service to his country; for his leadership in the affairs of The Institute of Radio Engineers.”

[photo] J. M. Miller

J. M. Miller

“In recognition of his pioneering contributions to the fundamentals of electron tube theory and measurements, to crystal controlled oscillators and to receiver development.”

[photo] W. R. G. Baker

W. R. G. Baker

“In recognition of his outstanding direction of scientific and engineering projects; for his statesmanship in reconciling conflicting viewpoints and obtaining cooperative effort; and for his service to the Institute.”

[photo] V. K. Zworykin

V. K. Zworykin

“For his outstanding contributions to the concept and development of electronic apparatus basic to modern television, and his scientific achievements that led to fundamental advances in the application of electronics to communications, to industry and to national security.”

[photo] F. E. Terman

F. E. Terman

“For his many contributions to the radio and electronic industry as teacher, author, scientist and administrator.”

[photo] Ralph Bown

Ralph Bown

“For his extensive contributions to the field of radio and for his leadership in Institute affairs.”

[photo] Lawrence C.F. Horle

Lawrence C.F. Horle

“For his contributions to the radio industry in standardization work, both in peace and war, particularly in the field of electron tubes, and for his guidance of a multiplicity of technical committees into effective action.”

[photo] R. V. L. Hartley

R. V. L. Hartley

“For his early work on oscillating circuits employing triode tubes and likewise for his early recognition and clear exposition of the fundamental relationship between the total amount of information which may be transmitted over a transmission system of limited band‑width and the time required.”

[photo] Haraden Pratt

Haraden Pratt

“In recognition of his engineering contributions to the development of radio, of his work in the extension of communication facilities to distant lands, and of his constructive leadership in Institute affairs.”

[photo] H. H. Beverage

H. H. Beverage

“In recognition of his achievements in radio research and invention, of his practical applications of engineering developments that greatly extended and increased the efficiency of domestic and world‑wide radio communications and of his devotion to the affairs of the Institute of Radio Engineers.”

[photo] William Wilson

William Wilson

“For his achievements in the development of modern electronics, including its application to radio-telephony, and for his contributions to the welfare and work of the Institute.”

[photo] A. H. Taylor

A. H. Taylor

“For his contributions to radio communication as an engineer and organizer, including pioneering work in the practical application of piezoelectric control to radio transmitters, early recognition and investigation of skip distances and other high-frequency wave-propagation problems, and many years of service to the government of the United States as an engineering executive of outstanding ability in directing the Radio Division of the Naval Research Laboratory.”

[photo] A. N. Goldsmith

A. N. Goldsmith

“For his contributions to radio research, engineering, and commercial development, his leadership in standardization, and his unceasing devotion to the establishment and upbuilding of the Institute and its PROCEEDINGS.”

[photo] Lloyd Espenschied

Lloyd Espenschied

“For his accomplishments as an engineer, as an inventor, as a pioneer in the development of radio telephony, and for his effective contributions to the progress of international radio coordination.”

[photo] A. G. Lee

A. G. Lee

“For his accomplishments in promoting international radio services and in fostering advances in the art and science of radio communication.”

[photo] J. H. Dellinger

J. H. Dellinger

“For his contributions to the development of radio measurements and standards, his researches and discoveries of the relation between radio wave propagation and other natural phenomena, and his leadership in international conferences contributing to the world wide cooperation in telecommunications.”

[photo] Melville Eastham

Melville Eastham

“For his pioneer work in the field of radio measurements, his constructive influence on laboratory practice in communication engineering, and his unfailing support of the aims and ideals of the Institute.”

[photo] G. A. Campbell

G. A. Campbell

“For his contributions to the theory of electrical network.”

[photo] Balth. van der Pol

Balth. van der Pol

“For his fundamental studies and contributions in the field of circuit theory and electromagnetic wave propagation phenomena.”

[photo] S. C. Hooper

S. C. Hooper

“For the orderly planning and systematic organization of radio communication in the Government Service with which he is associated, and the concomitant and resulting advances in the development of radio equipment and procedure.”

[photo] J. A. Fleming

J. A. Fleming

“For the conspicuous part he played in introducing physical and engineering principles into the radio art.”

[photo] A. E. Kennelly

A. E. Kennelly

For his studies of radio propagation phenomena and his contributions to the theory and measurement methods in the alternating current circuit field which now have extensive radio application.”

[photo] G. A. Ferrie

G. A. Ferrie

“For his pioneer work in the up building of radio communication in France and in the world, his long continued leadership in the communication field, and his outstanding contributions to the organization of international cooperation in radio.”

[photo] G. W. Pierce

G. W. Pierce

“For his major contributions in the theory and operation of crystal detectors, piezoelectric‑ crystals and magnetostriction frequency controls and magnetostriction devices for the production of sound; and for his instructional leadership as a teacher and as a writer of important texts in the electric wave field.”

[photo] Jonathan Zenneck

Jonathan Zenneck

“For his contribution to original researches in radio circuit performance and to the scientific and educational contributions to the literature of the pioneer radio art.”

[photo] L. W. Austin

L. W. Austin

“For his pioneer work in the quantitative measurement and correlation of factors involved in radio wave transmission.”

[photo] G.W. Pickard

G.W. Pickard

“For his contributions as to crystal detectors, coil antennas, wave propagation and atmospheric disturbances.”

[photo] M. I. Pupin

M. I. Pupin

“In recognition of his fundamental contributions in the field of electrical tuning and the rectification of alternating currents used for signaling purposes.”

[photo] Lee de Forest

Lee de Forest

“For his major contributions to the communications arts and sciences, as particularly exemplified by his invention of that outstandingly significant device: the three electrode vacuum tube, and his work in the fields of radio telephonic transmission and reception.”

[photo] E. F. W. Alexanderson

E. F. W. Alexanderson

“In recognition of his pioneer accomplishments in the field of long distance radio communication, including his development of the radio frequency alternator which bears his name, a magnetic amplifier permitting effective modulation of the output of such an alternator, and a cascade radio frequency vacuum tube amplifier yielding exceptional total amplification.”

[photo] E. H. Armstrong

E. H. Armstrong

“In recognition of his work and publications dealing with the action of the oscillating and non-oscillating audio.”

Deborah Estrin

Deborah Estrin

“For leadership in mobile and wireless sensing systems technologies and applications, including personal health management”

Pravin Varaiya

Pravin P. Varaiya

“For seminal contributions to the engineering, analysis, and design of complex energy, transportation, and communication systems.”

Thomas M. Jahns

Thomas M. Jahns

“For contributions to the development of high-efficiency permanent magnet machines and drives.”

Moeness G. Amin

Moeness G. Amin

“For contributions to radar signal processing across a wide range of applications including through-the-wall imaging and health monitoring.”

Jingsheng Jason Cong

Jason (Jingsheng) Cong

“For fundamental contributions to electronic design automation and FPGA design methods.”

Umesh Kumar Mishra

Umesh K. Mishra

“For contributions to the development of gallium nitride-based electronics.”

Ned Mohan

Ned Mohan

“For leadership in power engineering education by developing courses, textbooks, labs, and a faculty network.”

Ingo Wolff

Ingo Wolff

“For the development of numerical electromagnetic field analysis techniques to design advanced mobile and satellite communication systems.”

Ruzena Bajcsy

Ruzena Bajcsy

“For pioneering and sustained contributions to healthcare technology fundamental to computer vision, medical imaging, and computational anatomy.”

Madhu Sudan

Madhu Sudan

“For fundamental contributions to probabilistically checkable proofs and list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes.”

John Brooks Slaughter

John Brooks Slaughter

“For leadership and administration significantly advancing inclusion and racial diversity in the engineering profession across government, academic, and nonprofit organizations.”

Alan Bovik portrait photo

Alan C. Bovik

“For pioneering high-impact scientific and engineering contributions leading to the perceptually optimized global streaming and sharing of visual media.”

Anantha Chandrakasan

Anantha Chandrakasan

“For leadership and technical contributions spanning academia, government, and business.”

Edhem (Eddie) Čustović

Edhem Custovic

“For leadership in the empowerment and development of technology professionals globally.”

Calyampudi Radhakrishna (C.R.) Rao

Calyampudi Radhakrishna (C.R.) Rao

“For contributions to fundamental statistical theories and their applications to engineering and science, particularly in signal processing and communications.”

Joseph V. Lillie

Joseph V. Lillie

“For sustained and outstanding focus on the engagement of volunteers and staff in implementing continuous improvement of IEEE operations.”

Fred Mintzer

Frederick C. Mintzer

“For outstanding leadership of technical activities including the IEEE Collabratec and TAB technology-centric communities.”

The Argo Program

The Argo Program

“For innovation in large-scale autonomous observations in oceanography with global impacts in marine and climate science and technology.”

Panganamala R. Kumar

P.R. Kumar

“For contributions to internet router architecture and software-defined networking.”

Christopher Rose

Christopher Rose

“For innovations in team-oriented signature design and inspiring women and under-represented minority students to pursue engineering.”

Ouyang Minggao

Minggao Ouyang

“For contributions to fuel-cell powertrain and battery thermal management.”

Pieter Abbeel

Pieter Abbeel

“For contributions to deep learning for robotics.”

Peter W. Sauer

Peter W. Sauer

“For contributions to dynamic modeling and simulation of synchronous generators and for leadership in power engineering education.”

Lajos Hanzo

Lajos Hanzo

“For seminal contributions to adaptive wireless communications.”

Kenneth E. Martin

Kenneth E. Martin

“For leadership in and sustained contributions to standards for synchrophasor measurements and communications for power system monitoring, protection, and control.”

M. Tamer Ozsu

M. Tamer Özsu

“For advancing the security and privacy of new-generation cellular networks.”

Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr.

Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr.

“For seminal contributions to theoretical plasma physics and radiation science, and for the development of design codes for vacuum electronics devices.”

Paul J. Werbos

Paul J. Werbos

“For development of backpropagation and fundamental contributions to reinforcement learning and time series analysis.”

Rodney Tucker

Rodney S. Tucker

“For contributions to photonic device modelling and bridging the gap between device and system-level performance, including energy consumption.”

Akira Matsuzawa

Akira Matsuzawa

“For pioneering contributions to low-power, analog-to-digital converters in systems on a chip (SoCs) for digital video applications.”

Fang Zheng Peng

Fang Zheng Peng

“For the development of cascaded multilevel inverters and high-power converter topologies, and for their advancement in grid-scale applications.”

Muriel Medard

Muriel Medard

“For contributions to the theory and practice of network coding, optical networks, and wireless communications.”

Marilyn Wolf

Marilyn Wolf

“For creating a community of researchers and practitioners in embedded computing through education, outreach, and research.”

Joos Vandewalle

Joos Vandewalle

“For fundamental contributions to mathematical foundations of circuits and systems.”

Paresh C. Sen

Paresh C. Sen

“For contributions to the theory, practice, education, and development of advanced industrial motor drives and power electronics systems.”

Peter Dillon

Peter Dillon & Albert Brault

“For contributions to the development of image sensors with integrated color filter arrays for digital video and still cameras.”

John Undrill

John Undrill

“For contributions to the development of analytical tools and stability testing methods for electric power systems.”

Ali Sayed

Ali Sayed

“For contributions to the theory and practice of adaptive signal processing.”

Douglas C.H. Yu

Douglas C.H. Yu

“For contributions to the development of advanced packaging technologies and their implementation in high-volume manufacturing.”

Arthur D. Yaghjian

Arthur D. Yaghjian

“For contributions to fundamental electromagnetic theory and its applications to near-field antenna measurements.”

Dimitri Bertsekas

Dimitri Bertsekas

“For contributions to synthesis theory of control systems and its applications to manufacturing devices and systems.”

Simon Deleonibus

Simon Deleonibus

“For contributions to and leadership in nanoscale CMOS device and process technologies.”

Rory Cooper

Rory A. Cooper

“For extensive contributions to wheelchair technology that have expanded mobility and reduced secondary injuries for millions of people with disabilities.”

Andrew S. Grove

“For continuing to create untold opportunities in the fields of interest of the IEEE, its members, and society.”

Katherine G. Johnson

“For fundamental computational contributions to the success of America’s first and subsequent manned spaceflights, including Apollo 11.”