Sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
“For contributions to the foundations and applications of approximate reasoning and fuzzy systems.”
Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier is a pioneer of fuzzy logic and one of the true leaders of the fuzzy community, both in Europe and internationally. Over her career, she authored more than 450 papers on the topic as well as the best-selling book La Logique Floue. She also facilitated the adoption of fuzzy sets through collaborations with major companies. Perhaps the biggest testament to Bouchon-Meunier’s success is the establishment of 25 contracts with industrial partners who have used her work in practical applications. In 1986, she co-founded the conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, which is still held every two years. Her work continues to shape the development of various related disciplines, including eXplainable AI.
An IEEE Life Fellow, Bouchon-Meunier is Director of Research Emeritus, National Center for Scientific Research, Paris, France.