2023 Award Recipients

Each year the IEEE Awards Board recommends a select group of recipients to receive IEEE’s most prestigious honors. These are individuals whose exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions have made a lasting impact on technology, society, and the engineering profession.

The IEEE Technical Field Award recipients listed below will receive their awards at IEEE-sponsored conferences.

To view a complete list of recipients in all years, select the past and present recipients link shown below. Once in the document, there will be links to each award that are clickable and you can view recipient citations as well. 

IEEE President’s Award
Doreen Bogdan-Martin headshot.
Doreen Bogdan-Martin

"For distinguished leadership and contributions to the public."

IEEE Medal of Honor
Vinton G. Cerf

“For co-creating the Internet architecture and providing sustained leadership in its phenomenal growth in becoming society’s critical infrastructure.”

IEEE Frances E. Allen Medal
Lydia E. Kavraki

“For foundational probabilistic algorithms and randomized search methods that have broad impact in robotic motion planning and computational biology.”

IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal
Erwin Hochmair & Ingeborg J. Hochmair

“For the research, development, and realization of multi-channel microelectronic cochlear implants.”

IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal
Ingeborg J. Hochmair & Erwin Hochmair

“For the research, development, and realization of multi-channel microelectronic cochlear implants.”

IEEE Mildred Dresselhaus Medal
Melba Crawford

“For contributions to remote sensing technology and leadership in its application for the benefit of humanity.”

IEEE Edison Medal
Hiroyuki Matsunami

"For pioneering contributions to the development of silicon carbide material and its applications to electronic power devices.”

IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies
Tatsuhiko Fujihira, David James Coe, and Gerald Deboy

“For contributions to the concept and realization of superjunction power devices that significantly improve power efficiency.”

IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies
Gerald Deboy, Tatsuhiko Fujihira, and David James Coe,

“For contributions to the concept and realization of superjunction power devices that significantly improve power efficiency.”

IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies
David James Coe, Gerald Deboy, and Tatsuhiko Fujihira

“For contributions to the concept and realization of superjunction power devices that significantly improve power efficiency.”

IEEE Founders Medal
Rodney Allen Brooks

“For leadership in research and commercialization of autonomous robotics, including mobile, humanoid, service, and manufacturing robots.”

IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal
Frank Kschischang

“For contributions to the theory and practice of error correcting codes and optical communications.”

IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology
Rebecca Richards-Kortum

“For contributions to optical solutions for cancer detection and leadership in establishing the field of global health engineering.”

IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal
José M. F. Moura

“For contributions to theory and practice of statistical, graph, and distributed signal processing."

IEEE/RSE James Clerk Maxwell Medal
Mau-Chung Frank Chang

“For contributions to heterojunction device technology and CMOS System-on-Chip realizations with unprecedented reconfigurability and bandwidth.”

IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal
James J. Truchard

“For the development of LabVIEW and establishing worldwide programs to enhance hands-on learning in laboratories and classrooms.”

IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal
James S. Harris

"For contributions to epitaxial growth and nanofabrication of materials and heterojunction devices."

IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal
Luc Van den hove

“For leadership in creating a worldwide research ecosystem in nano-electronics technology with applications ranging from high-performance computing to health.”

IEEE Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications
Alberto Moreira

“For leadership and innovative concepts in the design, deployment, and utilization of airborne and space-based radar systems.”

IEEE Medal in Power Engineering
Kamal Al-Haddad

“For contributions to power electronics converters for power quality and industrial applications.”

IEEE Simon Ramo Medal
Azad Madni

“For pioneering contributions to model-based systems engineering, education, and industrial impact using interdisciplinary approaches.”

IEEE John von Neumann Medal
Frank Thomson (Tom) Leighton

“For fundamental contributions to algorithm design and their application to content delivery networks.”

IEEE Honorary Membership
Donna Strickland

“For contributions to the demonstration of chirped pulse amplification, a method to increase output power in ultrashort pulse solid-state lasers.”

IEEE Corporate Innovation Award
The Aspire crystal.
Denso Corporation

“For the innovation of QR (Quick Response) code and their widespread use across the globe.”

IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award
W. Ross Stone

“For sustained contributions to and impactful leadership in the IEEE Technical Activities publication enterprise.”

IEEE Haraden Pratt Award
Marko Delimar

“For inspired vision and steadfast leadership in improving global IEEE influence, member engagement, and governance.”

IEEE Theodore W. Hissey Outstanding Young Professional Award
Anna Zakrzewska

“For contributions in telecommunications research and innovation, leading to global commercialization, while inspiring tomorrow’s young technology leaders through STEM volunteering work.”

IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member
Jamie Moesch, 2023 Recipient

“For exceptional leadership within IEEE Educational Activities and sustained and substantial contributions to the goals and objectives of IEEE.”

IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member
Ewell Tan, 2022 Recipient

“For consistently high-level performance serving IEEE Region 10 through addressing a wide variety of challenges.”

IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award
Nirmala (Nimmi) Ramanujam

“For more globally accessible technology for women’s health related to cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment.”

IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award
John Robertson

“For theoretical contributions to the integration of high-k oxides on semiconductors.”

IEEE Control Systems Award
Naomi Ehrich Leonard

“For contributions to applications and theory for control of nonlinear and multiagent systems.”

IEEE Electromagnetics Award
John William Bandler

“For contributions to electromagnetic optimization and the modeling of high-frequency structures, circuits, and devices.”

IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award
Alexander Waibel

“For pioneering contributions to spoken language translation and supporting technologies.”

IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing
Rabab Kreidieh Ward

“For outstanding contributions to advancing signal processing techniques and their practical applications, and for technical leadership.”

IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award
H.-S. Philip Wong

“For contributions to novel and advanced semiconductor device concepts and their implementation.”

IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award
Nikolaos D. Hatziargyriou

“For contributions to the development of microgrids and leadership in distributed and decentralized smart distribution networks.”

IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Technology Award
Ken Sakamura

“For leadership in creating open and free operating systems for embedded computers used in consumer electronics.”

IEEE Internet Award
Carl Kesselman and Ian Foster

“For contributions to the design, deployment, and application of practical Internet-scale global computing platforms.”

IEEE Internet Award
Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman

“For contributions to the design, deployment, and application of practical Internet-scale global computing platforms.”

IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award
Ewald. F. Fuchs

“For contributions to power quality in power system operation, electric machines, renewable energy, and drives.”

IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement
Richard G. Green, Barry M. Wood, and Carlos Sanchez

“For low-uncertainty measurement of Planck’s constant of fundamental importance to the redefinition of the International System of Units (SI).”

IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement
Carlos Sanchez, Richard G. Green, and Barry M. Wood

“For low-uncertainty measurement of Planck’s constant of fundamental importance to the redefinition of the International System of Units (SI).”

IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and Measurement
Barry M. Wood, Carlos Sanchez, and Richard G. Green

“For low-uncertainty measurement of Planck’s constant of fundamental importance to the redefinition of the International System of Units (SI).”

IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award
Yoshisuke Ueda

“For the discovery of chaotic phenomena in electronic circuits and for contributions to the development of nonlinear dynamics.”

IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award
Rudiger Urbanke

“For contributions to graduate education, empowering students and mentorship that advanced the world of wireless and engineering communication.”

IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award
Ion Stoica

“For contributions to the design of cloud and computer network services.”

IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award
Dragan Maksimovic

“For contributions to digital control, modeling, and topologies of switched-mode power supplies.”

IEEE Donald O. Pederson Award in Solid-State Circuits
Ingrid Verbauwhede

“For pioneering contributions to energy-efficient and high-performance secure integrated circuits and systems.”

IEEE Frederik Philips Award
Omkaram (Om) Nalamasu

“For leadership in research and development of semiconductor materials, processes, and equipment.”

IEEE Photonics Award
Roel Baets

“For more globally accessible technology for women's health related to cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment.”

IEEE Robotics and Automation Award
Daniela Rus

“For pioneering contributions to the design, realization, and theoretical foundations of innovative distributed, networked autonomous systems.”

IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award
Marios Polycarpou

“For contributions to the theory and application of neural networks and learning systems in monitoring and control.”

IEEE Marie Skłodowska-Curie Award
Janet L. Barth

“For leadership of and contributions to the advancement of the design, building, deployment, and operation of capable, robust space systems.

IEEE Innovation in Societal Infrastructure Award
Kathleen McKeown

“For pushing the boundaries of natural language processing for social media analysis, news summarization, crisis informatics, and creating a digital library for patient care.

IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award
Philip Wennblom

“For championing global development of market-led voluntary technology standards through decades of contributions to governance and strategy of international organizations.

IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award
Radia Perlman

“For contributions to Internet routing and bridging protocols.”

IEEE Nikola Tesla Award
Kiruba S. Haran

“For contributions to advanced high-power density electrical machinery and high-temperature, super-conducting technology applications.

IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award
Tim Böscke

“For contributions to the discovery of ferroelectricity in hafnium-based oxides.”

IEEE Rao R. Tummala Electronics Packaging Award
Guoqi (Kouchi) Zhang

“For scientific and technological leadership in “More than Moore” (MTM) packaging, co-designing, and reliability.”

IEEE Transportation Technologies Award
Holger Meinel

“For contributions to the development and promoting the application of millimeter-wave technology in transportation systems."

IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award
Carlotta Berry

“For contributions to multidisciplinary robotics education and leadership in creating a national platform to diversify STEM.”