2022 VIC Summit & Honors Ceremony Gala
The 2022 IEEE Vision, Innovation, and Challenges Summit (IEEE VIC Summit) & Honors Ceremony held at the San Diego Marriott Marina on Friday, 6 May 2022 was a magnificent event.
In San Diego, experts discussed the impacts of technology in the areas of digital twins/smart cities, cloud computing, encryption/security, machine learning, aerospace technology, metaverse, and attendees learned about the IEEE MOVE Truck.
At the Honors Ceremony, hosted by IEEE President, K.J. Ray Liu, IEEE recognized renowned icons whose work has served as a catalyst and propelled the major advances we have today. There were two awards by IEEE Spectrum Awards presented as well: Click here for more information on the 2022 Spectrum Recipients.
A Red Carpet Reception, hosted by IEEE Young Professionals, kicked off the festivities before the IEEE Honors Ceremony.
Videos from the 2022 event: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/event/2022-ieee-vic-summit-and-honors-ceremony
View all the photos here:https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c4rnyrgdm185xwa/AABEGPs6HmzONQZF1qlJ8_bda?dl=0

Top row l-r: Ned Mohan, James Fujimoto, Moeness Amin, Thomas Jahns, Anantha Chandrakasan, Tim Canham, Umesh Mishra; 2 row l-r: Susan Wijfells, Megan Scanderbeg, Deborah Estrin, Ingo Wolff, P.R. Kumar; Bottom row l-r: Saifur Rahman, Joseph Lillie, Jason Cong, Asad Madni, K. J. Ray Liu, Alan Bovik, David Donoho
Asad M. Madni, Distinguished Adjunct Professor and Distinguished Scientist, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA, recipient of the 2022 IEEE Medal of Honor, “For pioneering contributions to the development and commercialization of innovative sensing and systems technologies, and for distinguished research leadership.” Interested in learning more about the 2022 Recipients, visit the Engineering and Technology Wiki page where they talk about their careers and provide advice: https://ethw.org/IEEE_Awards#IEEE_Award_Recipient_Series:_Q.26As_with_Icons_of_Engineering_.26_Technology
View the videos for all the 2022 IEEE Medal and Recognition Recipients that were honored at the Ceremony Gala the evening of Friday, 6 May.
"An Evening of Innovation" Sponsored by Qualcomm
Pre-Event: Qualcomm hosted an “Evening of Innovation,” a panel discussion with the 2022 IEEE Medal and Recognition Recipients highlighting their journey, innovations, and their insights on emerging technologies and discussing the impacts on the future of humanity on 5 May 2022 at Qualcomm Headquarters in San Diego, California.
Qualcomm representatives Welcomed attendees to the pre-event, Kathy Hayashi, Sr. Staff Engineer; Ed Tiedmann, Sr. VP of Engineering; and Jeff Lorbeck, Sr. VP and General Manager. Karen Panetta, IEEE Awards Board Chair, followed the welcoming remarks and introduced the panelists. Al Pisano, dean of the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California San Diego moderated the panel with Award Recipients, Deborah Estrin, Jason Cong, Anantha Chandrakasan, P.R. Kumar, Ingo Wolff, and Thomas Jahns.
Get Inspired

Be empowered and revive your passion in your field of interest, or learn from a synergistic field at Qualcomm’s pre-event.
Be a Part of the Conversation

There’s power being connected to other people who are active in your line of work. Join us at the Red Carpet Reception, hosted by the IEEE Young Professionals.
There is no other event like the IEEE VIC Summit and Honors Ceremony where you’ll get the chance to hear and learn from those in the major technology sectors.