The tremendous impact of semiconductor-based integrated circuit technology has hallmarked the advantages of compact, “solid-state” computing and communications platforms. Color center or “defect qubits,” formed in materials such as diamond and silicon carbide (SiC), may be able to leverage the infrastructure of semiconductor device processing and technology for the creation of new quantum information technologies. This article goes into depth as to how defects in qubits can lead to opportunity in her article in Semiconductor Engineering.
Evelyn Hu is an IEEE Life Fellow and fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is the Tarr-Coyne Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, and was awarded the 2021 IEEE/RSE James Clerk Maxwell Medal for leadership in nanoscale science and engineering, and for seminal contributions at the intersection of semiconductor electronics and photonics. Her current research involves III-V and III-nitride chips that interact with light.